Yesterday was my birthday. When I was a kid I loved having birthdays. Couldn't wait to be a grown-up. I've been here awhile now. Not such a big deal. I had to renew my driver's licence and was glad for the 50 lbs I've lost. That's a good thing. Maybe the new picture will be more flattering than the last. But, as this birthday was approaching I was feeling pretty blah. Didn't even want to acknowledge it. Then I decided that that was stinkin thinkin and maybe I should celebrate it instead. So, I changed my mind. It turned out great.
Art knows how to show a girl a good time, too. We took the day off from chicken coop building, went for a little drive to Burns Lake, disassembled a computer, ate some great meals (and a lot of junk be gone...for one day), fell asleep in front of the TV. All in all a super time. Art might not want me to tell you this part, but I'm gonna. Because it was my day, I got to hold the TV remote for the evening. I watched "
Dancing With The Stars". And Art watched with me. He didn't go do something else, or read a book or surf the internet......he sat and watched with me. Maybe he was waiting for a glimpse of
Pamela Anderson, I don't know. Doesn't matter. I thought it was pretty sweet of him.
Can you follow what was going on here?

Don't worry about that last photo. He's just joking.
My computer has developed a nasty habit of heating up and then shutting itself off. Blasted thing. Of course, HP wants nothing to do with you if you are not running Windows so they were no help whatsoever. I think I'll save that rant for another post, though. I was pretty nervous when Art started removing the million screws and peeled open my laptop. Unless you are adept as such things, I would not recommend doing this. He gave it a good cleaning and removed quite a lot of cat hair. Even so, the fan is not running properly and more repair will be required. Until then I can at least work on it for a few hours at a time. For what you pay, computers really are just pieces of junk. But again.....a rant for another post.
And speaking of cat hair. We have 6 that's a lot of hair. 4 in the house, 2 in the shop. Can you count the cats in this picture?

or from another angle....

Here's Blackie, Ewie and Jack.....wait, where's Chickie?

oh, there she is. What is she doing there?

Well, that would be my computer she's sitting on. Also known as a "magnificent butt-warming device". She can be found there often.

she even helps with my genealogy research

Might explain a few things.

Blackie likes to play freecell. Has also been known to write emails that look like gobbledy-gook to me. Must be secret cat code.