Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Nanook of the North

We had a wonderful long weekend with Sara and Kevin visiting from Vancouver. Art was proud to show off the greens growing in his tire garden.Sara kept telling me I was going to "catch my death" if I didn't put a jacket on,but I just don't feel the cold like she does.

Xena was very happy to have company, too. She loves to play with Kevin.

Actually, I believe she is IN LOVE with Kevin. Even though Art posted a picture like this on his blog, I like this one because Xena is smiling!

Saturday, November 10, 2007


Do you like my new weather section on the right? I found this site by accident and was pretty pleased to have it confirmed that this tiny community we live actually DOES exist. I find the philosophy of this website intriguing, but being the suspicious type that I am, I keep looking for "the catch".

Monday, November 05, 2007

My Mom

My sister was at my Dad's house today and found this picture of my Mom. I like it alot. It shows the true spirit of the woman she was....outdoors, smiling and making music. I don't know how old she was here, but probably still a teenager because it looks like she was on "the farm".I still can't look at a picture of her without bawling my eyes out. I miss her.