Monday, October 12, 2009

The Endako 5K

We didn't make it to Kelowna, so did our road race here in Endako. We paced out 5K on Hwy 16 and ventured out into the sunny (but cold) day. Art ran the distance (check out his finish line picture) and I walk-ran it. Here I am, pushing the ribbon.It's the farthest I've done so far. Very exhilerating. We're sorry we missed seeing Sara run the half marathon in Kelowna. We hope you did great kid!


Daughter One said...

YAY YOU! What a proud RPM (Reverse Parental Moment)for me!!

The Endako 5k... hm... were the entry fees reasonable? How was the post race food? Maybe I'll enter next year!

Your end of race photo's are certainly more flattering than mine! Check you out! YAY YOU again!

Art Blomquist said...

Post race food: Turkey. Entry fees: 0$. Feeling: Priceless.

Suzanne said...

Congrats Jo Anne. Very impressive that despite the fact you didn't make it to the official race you ran your own.

Good luck with the running. Its the best!

Carol Browne said...

DARN! I missed it! Next time! :-)