Even Xena got in on the act. She hasn't gotten the jist of looking before drinking and dove her face right into the first can of stain that Art opened. Thankfully he had a big bucket of water right there and was able to wash her mouth out right away. What a goober. Today, she still couldn't stay away ..... note the little white Charlie Chaplin moustache.

I have been taking little video clips of different things, with the idea of posting them on my blog, but I can't figure out how to do it. So, Carol, the blogging queen, came to my rescue ..... sort of. She didn't teach me how, but she did post a couple of my clips on her blog. Please do check them out ..... http://www.carolbrowne.com/ . Thanks loads, Carol.
I had a bit of a fright this morning when I found Blackie (my big kittykat boy) feeling quite under the weather. I gave him until the afternoon to show improvement or it was off to the vet. Thankfully, he has recovered. I was very worried, though. He may have gotten stung by a wasp (or maybe even ate one). I have found about 6 in the house over the last few days.
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