I'm sorry for being absent for so long. No excuse really, so let me do a little catch-up.....
Projects are ongoing. Art is painting kitchen cabinets for his brother's rental house. Well, the whole house actually, but just the cabinets in this picture.

We're prepping the greenhouse for painting.

have to scrape the darned stickers off first.

insulating and putting plywood down on the floor

of all the places that Cleo could lay down, she prefers the fresh sawdust.

Yup, we're growing grass. Cat grass, that is.

Been going for walks around the property. This day we passed under an eagle's nest and it was not happy with us (or maybe it was the dogs) being so close. Screeched at us the whole time. You can see the eagle in the big blue patch in the centre of the picture and the nest is down and to the right.

On the bottom 80 acres is this old shanty house which the dogs LOVE exploring. Definitely a pack rat or two in there.

On a different section of the property is another little shack. It looks like someone actually lived in it and one half was his chicken coop. Next to it is a rather elderly tree. I'd say it's at least 100 years old. Don't see a lot of those anymore. Not around here anyways.

Lots of wildflowers all around and as we walked along Art would pick them and put them in the buttonhole of my jacket.

In the east field Cleo found a soccer ball.

"Bring it?"..... no problem.

What the heck kind of flower is this? It's pretty big. Bigger than a daisy.

We had a horrendously bad black fly season this year. From May long weekend til just recently I have not been able to go outside without protection. Mosquitoe repellant does not work on those little &%$@ so I would have to wear net clothing. The pants are a pain to put on, so often I would just do this.

But for my head and neck I absolutely needed the net.

Despite it being cold this summer (so far) the garden is doing really well. We've been enjoying many salads including my new favourite ingredient .... fresh basil. It was an acquired taste for me, but now I LOVE it.

I tried a new recipe for Boston Baked beans. Yuuuummmmmmm.

It's been a wet season so there's lots of mud around the pond. Can you guess where Xena's been? "All the kids are wearing it, Mom".

Now that Cleo has moved into the house she doesn't use her doghouse much anymore. Kermit, on the other hand, thinks it's pretty posh digs.

It's taken awhile, and some work on everyone's parts, but Cleo is now allowed complete freedom amongst the cats when outside. Great progress, I think.

Boose is still not all that impressed. She's a tough nut to crack, that one.

Some various other cute shots of the "family".

The dogs are waiting to be let outside and Ewie is planning his escape.

Jack. May explain why he didn't mind being bathed. He kind of likes to play with water.

What in heaven's name was that mouse thinking coming into this house? It's probably how Butch and Sundance felt.

One day, there was a helluva thump on the kitchen window. I ran outside and Art followed with the camera.

He wasn't hurt and after he stopped seeing stars he flew away. Beautiful guy ....
now stop pecking on the side of my house!Big handsome black bear was coming around for awhile. Haven't seem him for a few weeks now.

And .... well .... I'll leave this one to your imagination.
Pee-k or Poo I see you!
Good work with Cleo. She must be really happy living with you guys!
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