Wednesday, March 16, 2011

last cries of winter

This is Sue's little dog, Sprocket. He came out to see us as we were collecting wood. He's not too crazy about the sub zero temperatures.
The other day Tom called to say he was plowing out the guy who lives in the valley below us. Had to use the telephoto lense to get this pic.... can you see him down there?
We drove down to check how he was doing. If you look directly above the snow blade at the bare patch just above the trees (way off in the distance) you can see our house.
Here's a more zoomed in shot.
When the job was all done (some 6 1/2 hours later.... long driveway), there were horses and a donkey by the house. Funny looking guy, this.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch.... Cleo's looking for where Xena buried that bone.
Kermit's just hangin' around.
Xena asks "does this ice field make my ass look fat?"
The greenhouse will soon be visible again from behind the mountain of snow piled up in front.
Look what has popped up in the lettuce patch (inside the greenhouse, of course). What a thrill.

Also.... check out Art's blog for other stories and pics.

And, lastly, to change the subject.... I recently was in Victoria and brought home a family heirloom. These were amongst my Mom's belongings and I remember her loaning them to me to wear at Art's and my wedding. I didn't pay attention at the time, as she told me who they had belonged to, but all these years later I found them again. My auntie Roberta was able to tell me that they are from my great grandmother Barriskell. Such a treasure!


Way Out Wear said...

Great posts! I love the little pansy in your lettuce, how cute!

Are you tired of the snow or still loving it?

The earrings are an incredible heirloom - especially when you wore them at your wedding!

Endako Jo said...

Still loving it, except it is now all melting away. Soon it will be a memory.... for the next 6 months. Those little flowers are popping up all over the inside of the greenhouse. Wonderful things. I'll have to dig them up and put them in pots.