Monday, March 21, 2011

more on moosey babe

Here is the video I took of the moose calf we encountered on our road. It shows how slippery the ice really is. And she was clearly getting quite annoyed with us. I wish I had thought to turn off the heater, which is blasting away.

I've been vacillating about posting this because about 10 hours later I went back to find that she had died. Something must have happened to her Mom for her to be alone like that and the baby could not survive without her. I know that nature can seem so cruel sometimes, but I'm glad I got to meet that little girl... even for a few minutes.


Way Out Wear said...

Oh. I was going to ask you if you saw the mother.

I don't like nature sometimes.....

Endako Jo said...

Mama was nowhere to be seen.

Denise E said...

Poor big baby, I'm crying as I write this.

Daughter One said...

So very, very sad. I think you were meant to be in her path so that we could all appreciate how beautiful she was.