We finally made it back home to Endako. Winter is still hanging on here, but the slow spring thaw is creating a lot of mud.

Hey...notice the nice new fender flares? Kinda had to add those because the rust was starting to eat away at our little truck. A real problem around here.

This is what the yard looked like....

...but then, here's how it looked yesterday morning.....

It really can't make up it's mind.
One of the many reasons we went to Vancouver was to retrieve our yard rock collection from the old house.

I'd say we got about 1/3 of it (or less). Trouble is, rocks are heavy. Can't haul too many at a time.
We also did some shopping. Stocked up on some delectables that we can't buy up here, including a bunch of Weight Watchers approved items that can only be found in the USA (Art & Sara did a run to Point Roberts one day).

As we wander around the yard, things are being revealed that were lost months ago when the snow first came. And nature does interesting artwork, too. This barrel is still frozen to the ground while everything around it has melted. Someone might pay big bucks for that if it was sitting in front of an art gallery.

I was very happy to see Chickie...

...and Blackie.

Art missed his kitty, Boose....

...but I think Xena and Ewie missed each other most of all.

He looks a little dishevelled after that greeting. Normally he's a very pristine white.

But they kiss and make up....for now.

Ewie gets HIS later....

After all the "hello's" were done, Art checked the garden.

Yup, a fine crop of clover goin' on.

Xena is just LOVING her freedom.

Rolling and running are way fun in her books.

But sometimes, so is just sitting and contemplating. It's good to be home.
Ahhh! Xena and Ewie are buddies! CUTE. Great pics...I really like that one of Xena where she's running and she looks like she's smiling with her eyes closed.
Great photo story! I love all of Xena's expressions you captured!
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