We are having the most gorgeous Fall that I've seen in a very long time. It is warm and sunny and just plain pleasant. No high winds .... just summerlike breezes.

No bugs (....nice). The leaves are changing before our very eyes.

Sadly, the hummingbirds are gone, but the kestrels are back. Even a magpie, which I've never seen here before, which tortures Xena and makes her give chase all around the yard. There is also a pair of woodpeckers that seem to be looking for a place to call home. I keep catching one of them pecking on the side of the house (not too desired when you live in a log home) and once found them checking out the rafters inside Art's new shop. I'll try to get pictures, but they are somewhat elusive.
Progress on the shop is coming along. We had a mechanic friend come over one day and he got
the Cat working. Next, he did some surgery on our poor little skid steer.

Our neighbour (different one from past years) asked if they could graze their cattle in our fields. We're happy to have the grass being "mowed", but I wasn't relishing the task of continuously chasing fence crashers out of the yard and garden.

But do you notice something about this girl? She's far away from the fence. Not a one of them has even tried to bust through. Turns out that this herd is trained to think that all fences are electric, so they stay away. How great is that?

Here's Ewie, doin' his part to help out with the yard projects.
Cat on a Cat....
Wow, the trees look incredible! The weather here has not been nearly as nice.
Today was spent at dragonboat practice in the pouring rain. It wasn't too bad until we stopped paddling. We are getting read for San Fran and I am paddling with a men's only team as well as my regular team.
Dreamy shots. Great lighting! You guys are getting a lot done up there.
We've had beautiful weather here also for about 3 weeks now. But your trees are sure showing the season change quicker than Sooke.
Wow, these are amazing pictures-I especially like the one of your cat on the Cat!
Also, a belated thank you for the comment on my blog--I agree with the way you explained the feelings of gossip.
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