Monday, October 29, 2007
quiet reminiscences
Today would have been my Mom's 80th birthday. I've been thinking of her alot. I wanted to include a picture with this post, but am having scanner problems. Will have to get back to you with that.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
my new wheels
Awhile back I told you that we traded Betsy Ford (our F250) for a minivan. This is it (Xena's giving it the once-over).
It's pretty good....and it's 4X4. Quite necessary for these parts.
Around here everybody knows everybody else by the vehicle they drive. We are known for our white Toyota pickup with a very distinctive roof rack, so people recognize us and wave. It'll take a while for them to get to know this vehicle so it'll be like we're strangers in town again. Normally I prefer anonymity, but I am getting used to the small town life where everybody knows you and they wave when they see you. I don't mind that part at all.
Around here everybody knows everybody else by the vehicle they drive. We are known for our white Toyota pickup with a very distinctive roof rack, so people recognize us and wave. It'll take a while for them to get to know this vehicle so it'll be like we're strangers in town again. Normally I prefer anonymity, but I am getting used to the small town life where everybody knows you and they wave when they see you. I don't mind that part at all.
I know that some of you that read my blog are avid yarn artisans, so I must note a correction to my post from October 15. The pattern I was referring to is called a "crunch" stitch, not a scrunch stitch.
Friday, October 26, 2007
rapunzel ... one year later
It was one year ago today that I had to get that drastic haircut.....
and here I am today
Slowly starting to feel normal again (not that I was ever normal...)
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Two days ago this was the view out our kitchen window.
It did that for almost the whole day, then it all melted which caused some flooding in our basement. Not nice. Then around bedtime last night a howling chinook came through. It was all of a sudden, with the temperature rising to almost 16C and hurricane force winds. I could hear those loose metal shingles squeaking away on the outside of the house and looked out at one point to see a huge piece of styrofoam insulation flying across the yard. It had ripped right off the wall!
Art's out there now figuring out what we need to fix this before winter really hits.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
what the ??
Sometimes this Blogger can be a real pain to work with. I was getting complaints that my site takes too long to load, which is a real problem for people with slower connections and a killer for those with dialup. So, I changed some settings. Then you couldn't get to "older posts", so what good is that? I was forced to "upgrade" which is computer talk for mess-the-hell-out-of-everything. Now my links, and a few other things, are gone so I guess I know what I'll be doing for the next little while. Yeesh!
Monday, October 15, 2007
flying fingers
My evenings are pretty busy these days, working on several crochet projects. Here is the status of some of them....
This one isn't actually crochet. It's "loom" knitting on the Knifty Knitter. It's now completed and I have a couple more to make.
Curtain tiebacks ... this is the first of 6. I still need to finish the ends, press it and add tassels, but I've moved this project to the back burner for now.
A mystery project. I love how this is turning out. The band of darker colour was a total surprise because the pictures with the pattern didn't show it very well. I love the texture. It's called a crunch stitch. I'm a bit dissappointed in the green. The section on the left is supposed to be a lighter shade than on the right, but I sure can't see a difference. Oh well.
And from another angle.
There is another mystery project, but it's really difficult to get good pictures of stitching. I never realized. I've had to take a great many just to get these few.
Finally, the kitchen curtain. Not completed, but I'll show you what I have so far...
I refuse to pay the crazy prices for curtain rods, so just used a length of 1/4" dowelling and threaded it through.
Chickie likes to help whenever she can.
Screwed a couple of hooks into the window frame.
Unfortunately, the sun still glares through the mesh, so I'll need to add a liner. I dug this dark green fabric out of my stash. I think it'll look nice.
This one isn't actually crochet. It's "loom" knitting on the Knifty Knitter. It's now completed and I have a couple more to make.
Finally, the kitchen curtain. Not completed, but I'll show you what I have so far...
I refuse to pay the crazy prices for curtain rods, so just used a length of 1/4" dowelling and threaded it through.
Art brought two more trailer loads of wood up from Tom's. They are the scraps from his log home building operation. So, we have a few hours of splitting and stacking ahead of us ... and maybe another load or two ... and we'll be all set for winter. You can't see too well what's under the veranda and stairs in the background, but there's already lots in there. Plus, there's a big pile over by Art's shop.
There was only one fatality. When Art was pulling the trailer out, one of the gates caught on this tree. I'm not upset, though. I never did like those ugly things.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
one mother of a rock saw
It was about this time last year when we heard of a rock saw for sale. A fellow member of the Burns Lake rockhound club was selling this one. The price was very good, so we told him we'd take it. Then it snowed. So it sat in his yard over the winter and we were only able to go and get it, finally, about 3 weeks ago.
It's a biggie. The blade is about 2 feet in diameter. Maybe this winter we'll get our lapidary workshop set up. We kind of miss it.
say goodbye to Betsy Ford
We traded our F250 for a minivan with Art's brother Tom. We had a loving term for our old truck....."Betsy Ford with an Alkie on her back". The Alkie was an Alaskan camper, which is really a very cool camper. It's not a pop-up, it's telescopic, with the top half raising and lowering hydraulicly. We had a lot of fun with that rig, but with the price of gas it was just too expensive to run. So we went back to using the smaller truck and the Boler.
The camper is extremely heavy and doesn't attach to the truck the way other campers do. There is no overhang so it can't be clamped. Instead, it is bolted right through the floor to the truck bed. It is NOT an easy operation to put it off and on so we always said that if anyone wanted to buy the truck they had to take the camper, too. Thankfully, though, we now have heavy equipment to make these tasks a little easier. We used the skid steer to yard it off the truck and onto a platform of tires and pallets.

Here is a view of our "camper row" .... the Boler, Grant's camper (which he brought up from Kamloops this summer), and Alkie.
Funny though, Alkie wasn't sitting there very long before someone else fell in love with her. Our niece Cindy's boyfriend Brian got a glimpse and had to have her. I don't know what I was doing that kept me from witnessing them putting her on his truck, but here she is all strapped down and ready to go to her new home.
Bye Alkie. Have fun!
The camper is extremely heavy and doesn't attach to the truck the way other campers do. There is no overhang so it can't be clamped. Instead, it is bolted right through the floor to the truck bed. It is NOT an easy operation to put it off and on so we always said that if anyone wanted to buy the truck they had to take the camper, too. Thankfully, though, we now have heavy equipment to make these tasks a little easier. We used the skid steer to yard it off the truck and onto a platform of tires and pallets.
driveway update
The driveway project is almost complete. The final loads of gravel have been dumped and spread.
The slimy mud holes are gone and it's draining well. Still pretty bumpy but we've asked YRB (local highways) to grade it for us. Xena was enjoying riding around in the skid steer with Art.
Art has finished cutting back all the overhanging and leaning trees so there shouldn't be a problem keeping it clear once the snow comes.
That was a lot of work. I tried to help a couple of times, but the black flies were really horrible. I feel like that kid "pig-pen" in the Charlie Brown cartoons, with the black cloud around him all the time. What's with these bugs anyways? Don't they know it's zero degrees out there?
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Kelowna Half Marathon
Here are some of the pictures Kevin took of Sara's race.
Lookin' GOOD! ............(You can see all the pics here).

Lookin' GOOD! ............(You can see all the pics here).

running around
Before I do one more thing I have to post a great big ATTA GIRL to my step-daughter Sara. She ran her first Half Marathon in Kelowna on Sunday. That's 21.1 kilometers .... and she did it in 2 hours : 1 minute !!! I'm just waiting for some pictures to post.
Friday, October 05, 2007
gettin' chilly out there
Last Saturday, Sep.29, we had our first snow.
It stuck for a little while, about 100 feet above us, but was all gone before too long. It was good timing because only the day before did Art finish helping our neighbour put up the last of his silage. That meant that the cows could go home, and 2 days ago the cowboys (and girl) came through to round them up. Xena was SO happy because she got to run with the big dogs. I don't know if she was actually a help or a hindrance, but I was very proud when at the end, while she was "hanging" with the cowboys, I called her to come and she did. And sat near me without being told while I clipped on her leash. Nothing worse than standing there screaming like a mad woman while the dog runs around ignoring me. I was really proud of her. She wanted to continue on with them very badly, but she did what I said.
Last night it froze HARD. When I looked out this morning everything was white. The thermometer on the veranda said it got to -3 but I think that at ground level it was colder than that. Dare we go look at the tire garden coldframes?
Last night it froze HARD. When I looked out this morning everything was white. The thermometer on the veranda said it got to -3 but I think that at ground level it was colder than that. Dare we go look at the tire garden coldframes?
Thursday, October 04, 2007
on a happier note
While we were at the vet's last week, Art asked if they had any other kittens up for adoption. They had a bunch, but this fellow picked Art out right away.
He is approximately 7 months old. They had younger ones, but it's harder to find homes for the older guys. He's super cuddly and super energetic, and is turning out to be a lot of fun. I think he's got some Balinese in him. His fur is very fine and silky and is medium length on his tail. His body has very Oriental lines with an extraordinarily long tail, but his face and eyes are more round like an American breed. He's very vocal and not shy, having already made friends with Xena and Blackie. Chickie will allow him in the same room, but is clearly not impressed.
We've been bantering around various names for him, Art favouring "y^s", which is Carrier for "snow". It is pronounced "yoo-uss", emphasis on the "uss" with the soft "u" almost silent and the "ss" sounding very hissie. I don't know. I'm tempted to call him Johnny-long-tail. But he's Art's cat .... so he can call him whatever he wants.
We've been bantering around various names for him, Art favouring "y^s", which is Carrier for "snow". It is pronounced "yoo-uss", emphasis on the "uss" with the soft "u" almost silent and the "ss" sounding very hissie. I don't know. I'm tempted to call him Johnny-long-tail. But he's Art's cat .... so he can call him whatever he wants.
a sad goodbye
I've been putting this off, but I guess it's time to tell. Our little kitten, Wasi, didn't make it. It's been about a week since the vet called to let us know that they had to put him down. His seizures just kept getting worse and worse, so it really was for the best. Allowing an animal to continue suffering is cruel.
We didn't get to know Wasi very well, but enough to fall in love with him, so it hurts a lot. The vet put him in a little box and we brought him home for burial on what we now refer to as "boot hill", which is out in our east pasture. Art made a little grave and secured it from any animals that may try to dig it up. Rest in peace little boy. I guess you weren't meant to be here just yet.
This is the last picture I took of him, having a snooze.
We didn't get to know Wasi very well, but enough to fall in love with him, so it hurts a lot. The vet put him in a little box and we brought him home for burial on what we now refer to as "boot hill", which is out in our east pasture. Art made a little grave and secured it from any animals that may try to dig it up. Rest in peace little boy. I guess you weren't meant to be here just yet.
This is the last picture I took of him, having a snooze.
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