My evenings are pretty busy these days, working on several crochet projects. Here is the status of some of them....
This one isn't actually crochet. It's "loom" knitting on the Knifty Knitter. It's now completed and I have a couple more to make.

Curtain tiebacks ... this is the first of 6. I still need to finish the ends, press it and add tassels, but I've moved this project to the back burner for now.

A mystery project. I love how this is turning out. The band of darker colour was a total surprise because the pictures with the pattern didn't show it very well. I love the texture. It's called a crunch stitch. I'm a bit dissappointed in the green. The section on the left is supposed to be a lighter shade than on the right, but I sure can't see a difference. Oh well.

And from another angle.

There is another mystery project, but it's really difficult to get good pictures of stitching. I never realized. I've had to take a great many just to get these few.
Finally, the kitchen curtain. Not completed, but I'll show you what I have so far...
I refuse to pay the crazy prices for curtain rods, so just used a length of 1/4" dowelling and threaded it through.

Chickie likes to help whenever she can.

Screwed a couple of hooks into the window frame.


Unfortunately, the sun still glares through the mesh, so I'll need to add a liner. I dug this dark green fabric out of my stash. I think it'll look nice.
Excellent work on all counts - especially love the knitting loom crown. Very queenly. I saw someone just use a long skinny tree branch for a curtain rod once. I think that would look cool in your house, too. I also have used a couple of dowels around here!
Very cool Joanne - you do very nice work. Love it all. So nice of you to share all your work - I've been wondering what you've been up to!
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