I know that was 2 weeks ago, but it's taken me this long to get the pictures together. I'm slow ... and easily distracted. I've been fooling around with other photo stuff, trying to learn some new things and also trying to get some video working. Anyways, that's all for another post.
Sara and Kevin were only here for a few days, but I think they had some fun. We picked them up from the airport in Prince George and Xena couldn't stop hugging them both all the way home.

Activities included a snowshoe trek to the top of the bluffs on our eastern border (
more pics on Art's blog).

Can you see that crazy cat Boose following them? She went the whole way. Crazy cat.

It was a sunny but windy day and biting cold. Even more so up at the top. I think Sara was saying through those clenched teeth something like "alright already ... can we keep moving please?"

Another bit of fun is burning stuff. Seems to be something guys like to do .... I don't know. We have a big pit where we dump scrap wood and any kind of junk that's burnable.

sorry for these pictures not being really great, but I was a long way away, using my zoom lens and the smoke was blowing towards me.

It looks like the fire is going up Kevin's arms legs and arms.

and it's trying to attack him ... in a not nice way.

barbecued dog? (don't worry. no people or animals were hurt in the making of this story)

This was a few days later. The pit finally cooled off and it snowed a little more. By the way ... see the very top of that highest hill in the background? That's where they hiked to the day before.

Sara, Kevin and Art are looking at a row of sheds, one of which is built around and held up by 3 trees. They were discussing how one of the trees didn't look so good.

Since then, that tree did in fact fall down in a wind storm. Turns out the building was holding IT up. How it missed doing any damage is a miracle. Check out Art's blog for
some pics.
Kevin got a very nice new camera for Christmas and he brought it along. Because it's so new he doesn't have any extra lenses for it yet, so I loaned him mine. One of the mornings was particularly beautiful as the sun was rising. The snow was pristine and the light was stunning, so he grabbed both camera bags (his and mine) and the tripod and traipsed out into the fields.

He took some gorgeous pictures (which I will show you in my next post) and while I stood on the veranda of the house I took pictures of him taking pictures.

Food is also a big part of our get togethers with the kids. We always eat well and have fun with it. This particular item is probably NOT weight watchers approved, but it was DAMN good! We lovingly refer to it as Bacon "crack". Don't even show me the nutritional label.