I'm just glad it was warm, sunny (and not windy) for Mike, Carol and Moosh's visit. I'm pretty sure they had a fun time. All the fields to run in brought out the puppy in Moosh (well, she thought about it, anyways). Carol did some major exploring on an ATV we borrowed from Tom. Mike and Art hung out some and explored a little, too.

They also were designing jewelry made from, of all things, Moose dung. Yup ..... raisins .... pellets ..... buns ..... whatever you call it, it's poop. Here is Carol sporting the new line of earrings. It's not so bad really. They're all dried out. And don't smell. You'd never know ..... if you didn't know.

In between the visits from friends, Art and I have been working at finishing the storage shed. We built a ton of skookum shelving from old barnboards we found around the property (maybe Art will post pictures on his blog). Making something useful out of nothing is very satisfying.....and fun. I know all the physical work is good for me, but boy am I beat at the end of the day.
Today, we thought we'd take a break and go into Vanderhoof (about 60 km away). I think, maybe, we weren't meant to go, though. Woke up.....snowing. Tried to leave.....truck had a flat tire. Fixed that, got 20 km away......truck started to lose power. Had to decide.....keep going or turn back. Turned back. By the time we travelled the 20 km back all gauges had stopped working, no heater, no windshield wipers (it's still snowing out, by the way, so really hard to see out the windows) and finally the fuel pump stopped. We literally coasted the last 20 feet into Tom's driveway. Is it just me, or is there a pattern developing here? Looks like the alternator's gone. Ordered a new one. It'll be here tomorrow, so I guess that'll be "fix the truck" day....again.
Saw 8 deer in our front field this evening. I think they are getting to know that this is a safe haven for them, as they are coming closer and closer. We also have a pair of Sandhill Cranes that visit almost every day, as well as a pair of Northern Harriers.

Carol's not actually "wearing" poop. Art is holding it (ick) for her...just to see how it looks. At no time did poop touch skin (except Art's, but he's a guy, so it's OK). Mind you they were making a game out of kicking cow pies around, so there was a definite "poop" theme going on.
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