I feel the need to do some catchin' up, so today will be a hodge-podge of topics. Here's a good ol' boy (Walter) flipping pancakes at the Mother's Day breakfast. He took time out, at his busiest time of year, to don an apron and spatula. Good on ya, Walter!

Here's Art building his empire of tires. He's got plans for some wonderful gardening this summer. Check out his blog
What the heck do you suppose this is? It looks like some sort of nest, but who's? There was another one under a bush and when I poked it there was a very fierce buzzing sound. I didn't stick around to see who I had just P-O-ed.

Our truck is only really big enough for Art and I, so we had to find a way to travel with a dog. Art built this clever doggie-deck. It lifts up so we can store all of our crap under it and put Xena's blankie and assorted paraphenalia on top. She looks like she's having a hard time adjusting, doesn't she?

Our little angel had a hoot of time at Auntie Echo and Uncle Grant's. They had a bunch of dirt to dig in. Wheee!

I noticed this when we were camping at Howard Lake. I wonder how many people have tried to actually plug into it.

Art and Xena having some quiet time in the Boler.

On the way home, we stopped at Canim Lake. Art lived here as a teen. The water is VERY high (he's standing on a rock).

All my bird feeders were empty when we got home. I quickly refilled them all, but I guess the hummers packed their bags because only one or two have returned since. I'm sad about that. There was a new visitor, though. At first I thought it was a pigeon, but it is in fact a Mourning Dove. Pretty.

On Sunday, we went on a fieldtrip with the Burns Lake Rockhound Club. They booked a barge to take us to the north side of Babine Lake, and we spent the day exploring miles and miles of logging roads. It was a total blast!
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