I'm a country kid (and Navy brat) who grew up near Victoria, BC, Canada. I moved to Vancouver for just a few months and ended up staying for 30 years. Have always dreamt of the "electronic cottage", so in 2005 we took early retirement, bought a ranch in Central BC and left that big city behind.
Woke up to a couple of inches of fresh snow this morning, but it didn't last long. I went outside to toss some seed on the ground for the birds and could hear what I'm pretty sure was a woodpecker on the roof of the barn. He was squawking away and then banging on the metal of the roof. He was too far away to see very well, even with binoculars, but I could tell he had a red head.
A little while later in the morning, Xena suddenly started barking her head off. I stepped out and found what her problem was. There was a big bald eagle in a tree near the house. I took a lot of video from a bunch of different angles and this was the best I could get. I'm sorry the camera is wiggling around so much. When it is zoomed out as far as it will go I just can't hold it very still. I desperately need a tripod (or one of those single legged things) .... and a better zoom.He did not care at all that I (and Xena) was moving around just beneath him. A short time later I noticed something in the tree where he had been. Thinking maybe it was his lunch he left behind, I got the binoculars. It was another bird .... a Northern Harrier (I took video of him, too, but he's about 1/2 the size of the eagle and my zoom just wasn't good enough). I remember him from last year. He's cool to watch hunt. He flies low over the ground like a harrier jet.This afternoon we took a drive to Burns Lake to pick up cat food. As we were going down the driveway I wondered to myself when the Mountain Bluebirds would be back. Just then ..... I'm not kidding .... a flock of about 10 flew right across our path and landed in the field. They are so BEAUTIFUL!!! I just LOVE them.It was my first sight of them last year that got this interest in birds started for me. Up until then I never noticed birds. But the exotic blue of these little guys captured my attention. I think they are my favourite. And then there's the Juncos. They're tiny and non-descrip, but there are plenty of them hanging around the feeders right now.
Lucie came to visit us 2 years ago and on a tour of the Horsethief Canyon a Mountain bluebird landed near the car. She damn near wet herself but had the presence of mind to call her husband and report her sighting with a touch of arrogance I might add. Birders can be funny people. I've never pursued it, but I've learned to identify a number of calls over the years. The sweet sound of the Meadowlark is unbeatable.
I can't believe you still have snow! Yikes! Nice to seel all that bird activity isn't it? Birds are such cheerful creatures - except for Stellar Jays.....
Lucie came to visit us 2 years ago and on a tour of the Horsethief Canyon a Mountain bluebird landed near the car. She damn near wet herself but had the presence of mind to call her husband and report her sighting with a touch of arrogance I might add. Birders can be funny people. I've never pursued it, but I've learned to identify a number of calls over the years. The sweet sound of the Meadowlark is unbeatable.
I can't believe you still have snow! Yikes!
Nice to seel all that bird activity isn't it? Birds are such cheerful creatures - except for Stellar Jays.....
The Stellar Jays are pretty, but a pain in the butt. They're brazen and GREEDY!
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