This is her "station" in Art's workshop (note the electric blanket he so graciously donated to make her feel cozy on these cool nights).
The other new member of our entourage is Wasi (Carrier for "lynx"). He's an itsy bitsy boy and is still so brand new that we have to feed him with a bottle. Here is a little medley of his first days with us.
We were given quite a fright on Monday morning, though. He'd been with us for 2 days and I'd been spending a lot of time with him, as feedings were every 2-3 hours. Suddenly he had what appeared to be some sort of seizure. A few minutes later, another one. Right away I was phoning the vet, but the line was busy. I didn't hesitate to bundle that baby up and Art and I were on our way to Burns Lake (that's where the vet is). It's about a 35 minute drive and poor Wasi had 7 more seizures along the way. Each one was getting worse and worse. We left him in the hands of the good doctor and I was sure that we would never see him again. That night, the vet called to say that things were looking up. They used drugs to subdue the attacks, changed his diet and administered antibiotics. No more seizures in 48 hours and they think he'll be just fine. I'm so glad.
Hi Guys! Congratulations on the new arrivals! They are the cutest! I think Xena and Wasi are going to be good friends. Watching the video it looks like Wasi just wanted to come over and cuddle. e
I love when Wasi is playing with Xena's feet - that's so cute! Glad that the seizures stopped and he's going to be okay. So cute!
I love when cats follow people during a walk
He is so cute! Xena is very gentle with him.
AHHHH! So. Cute! Wasi is great. And look how gentle Xena is! Amazing.
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