How 'bout with something pretty. I found this in our garden. I believe it is a peony bush. There are 2, actually. I like the pink flower beside it. It adds a "pop" to the photo, I thought.

Besides the myriad of wildflowers, I'm finding lots of planted blooms all around the place that I didn't know were there. I also don't know what most of them are. I've been taking pictures though, especially now that I've found the "tele-macro" feature on my handycam. Great for flowers and bugs.
Here's an Emperor Gum moth that we found in the windshield washer dispenser at the local gas station. It has a huge 6 inch wingspan! I did a google and found that it is native to Australia, so I sent an email to the Forest Ministry over there.

Found this old bucket at the dump. Thought it would make a nice planter.

Bought a second-hand washer and dryer. "Works great" the person told us. Well, not quite. The dryer runs, yes, but blows only cold air. Not too helpful when you are actually trying to
dry the clothes. So, before getting into a hassle with the neighbour we bought it from, we went to the dump looking for parts. Wouldn't you know .... sitting right there was the exact same dryer. We took it home, stripped the needed thingamajigs and voila, the dryer now works. I'm very happy! Now we don't have to pack 14 loads of clothes off to the laundromat once a month.

Got my red car back from Tom last week. We had it and Betsy Ford shipped up here from Burnaby last September. Tom spent the winter tinkering with it and using it as an extra vehicle. I felt a little bad taking it from him because he has kind of fallen in love with it, but it's nice to have my own wheels. It's also good, I think, to not be stranded, in case of emergency. It's a few kilometres to the nearest helping hand.

My new friend, Lane (he's almost 13), has just graduated from Grade 7. He invited me to his school play, in which he played the lead role of Hamlet. That was a big deal to me and I was thrilled. I video taped the whole thing, so will pick out the best pictures and post them here real soon. He also invited me to his final baseball game in Vanderhoof. He is quite an athlete, so was disappointed when his team lost. He played well, though, and I'll post those pics too. On that same day, our grand-niece Jamie (she's 8 1/2) also played a game of baseball. For a bunch of little gaffers (some were
really little), they played quite well .... and with
heart! It was fun to watch them.

The Endako Community Hall had it's annual Yard Sale on Sunday. Art and I donated a bunch of stuff that we found in our sheds, and I also came home with some treasures.

I did find this set of ruby glass which I think I'll try to sell on ebay. I think it might be worth a little more than what I'd have gotten at the Yard Sale.

These figurines were donated by someone. Are they Hummels? I kind of like this picture. I just put them on the BBQ to take the shot and happened to capture a hummingbird, too.

If you check out Art's blog , you will see the work he's been doing on our veranda. Here's a pic of him about to get his hands dirty (but playing with the equipment first).
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