Wednesday, May 30, 2007

just checkin' in

You may not hear from me for a few more days. We are busy staining a log cabin on Francois Lake. It's almost an hour's drive (one way) so we are up at 4:30am and not home until almost bedtime. Today was our 3rd day and there's several more to go. I'll post pictures and will write more when I get a chance.


Way Out Wear said...

Are you back yet? Is there anything in Francois Lake? What's happening in Burns Lake these days? What hard work that must be!

Jo-Ann B. said...

We are back now, and boy are we exhausted! Too much hard work for me. Now to get back to my life. There isn't a town of Francois Lake. It's just a huge lake (110km long) with people living along it's shore here and there. The town of Burns Lake is 52km away, so we don't get there often, but our vet is there and our rockhound club meets once a month.

Way Out Wear said...

Phew! With all that flooding I wasn't sure where you were at! Glad you're all right. Can you snuggle into bed and rest for a day or two?
That's a lot way for a vet isn't it?

Jo-Ann B. said...

The closest town is Fraser Lake (15km), but it doesn't have much more than a grocery store and gas station (a little more, but not much). We are half way between Vanderhoof and Burns Lake. 52 km seems like a long way, but it only takes 30 min to get there. In Vancouver it used to take longer than that to get a shorter distance. There used to be a vet in Fraser Lake, but not enough customers I guess.