Finally, I can reveal a very fun thing that I did for
Art. You may already know that he is the Number One fan of
Mike Holmes. When it was announced that Mike had published a book, I went to
his website to check it out. There they talked about how he was going to be in Calgary in November, signing copies of his book. So, I asked
Carol if her Mom or sister would be willing to go and get one for me. Well, Cathy (sis) jumped right in. Here's her email.....
Mission accomplished! I got the book signed! I went early in case there was going to be a line. Good thing. There were already 20+ people lined up at 1:15 pm. So I stood in line for an hour altogether. He was very polite. He said hello, shook my hand and asked my name. I asked if he could sign it to Art. He even said merry christmas! He was dressed in blue overalls too. One lady was disappointed that he wasn't wearing his muscle shirt. Someone else pointed out it was -23, so she forgave him.
Here's the book....autographed by the man himself.

Thanks so much Cathy! I was just
bursting to give it to Art and tell him the story. I'm pretty sure he LOVES it.
Check him out in his Holmes coveralls.
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