Yup, we're still in Vancouver. Art's other daughter, Treena, is coming over tonight and we will have our Christmas with her and Sara & Kevin. Staying a couple of extra days has given both Art and I the opportunity to visit some of our friends. Alas, though, we can't visit them all.
So, to back up a little.....we arrived in Vancouver on New Year's Eve at Sara & Kevin's. Kevin's brother Darren and girlfriend Janet were there, so we had a lovely dinner and rang in the New Year together. Janet had a new digital camera (which is a thing of beauty, let me tell ya) and was practicing taking pictures. Here are some of them (I hope it's OK that I borrowed them). Sara and Kevin.....(I LOVE this picture)

We had a really nice evening. And dinner was exquisite! Every time we have a meal like that with Sara and Kevin I learn something. That night it was wine matching. Each course has a different wine that is "matched" with that particular food. Who knew there was such a thing! Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not making fun. It's just that the class of drinker I'm used to doesn't make such distinctions.
PS...don't worry.....the non-drinkers in the crowd were sipping sparkling cranberry juice. No need to call any sponsors.
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